Sno. | CPIO Name, Designation, Address | Subject | Phone, Fax, Email | Appellate Authority Name Phone, Email |
1 | Ajay Kumar Sinha, US (Res.1) Under Secretary (Res.1) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
Policy of SCs /STs/ OBCs(Parliament matters, RTI representations, MP/VIP/PMO references), Clarifications/Court cases-SCs/Sts/OBCs, Coordination (Dept. related Parliamentary Standing Committee, communications received from the Administration of this Department), Sub-Quota for Minorities under OBC reservation. | 23092110 ajay[dot]sinha[at]gov[dot]in | Sandeep Saxena, Deputy Secretary (Res.I) 23092110 sandeep[dot]saxena[at]nic[dot]in |
2 | Ajay Lawania, US (SM-III) Under Secretary (SM-III) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Empanelment of IAS / Indian Forest Service and Central Services for holding Joint Secretary / equivalent posts at the Center. | 23092112 ajay[dot]lawania[at]nic[dot]in | Sakshi Mittal, Director (EO-SM) 23092187 dirsm[at]nic[dot]in |
3 | Alok Suman, US (SM-I) Under Secretary (SM-I) North Block New Delhi |
Deputation/Appointment/Extension/Premature repatriation in respect of the posts of Joint Secretary/equivalent under the Central Staffing Scheme. Inter Cadre deputation/transfer of AIS officers. Holding of Civil Services Board Meeting and preparation of agenda thereof - Data of Carreer Management Division for JS and above ranks of IAS . | 23092536 alok[dot]suman[at]nic[dot]in | Sakshi Mittal, Director (EO-SM) 23092187 dirsm[at]nic[dot]in |
4 | Ambrish Kumar Gopal, US (Pers.Policy-A.III) Under Secretary (Pers.Policy-A.III) D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters relating to service conditions (except financial) of Central Services i.e. CCS(CCA) Rules and CCS (Conduct) Rules, Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution, Change of Name of Government Servants, Policy relating to issue of Gazette Notification, Classification of posts and grant of gazetted status, principles regarding sealed cover procedures, Efficiency Bar.Clause (2) of F.R.29. | 23040264 ak[dot]gopal[at]nic[dot]in | G.K. Rajnish, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy) 011-23094471 gk[dot]rajnish[at]nic[dot]in |
5 | Amit Choubey, US (PP-D Promotion) Under Secretary (PP-D promotion) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All cases pertaining to promotion, DPC, NFSG of Central Services except Railway and services under control of Department of Atomic Energy, Ad-hoc appointment,Staff Car Drivers Matters, Matters related to Educational Qualifications, Medical Examination (On first Appointment), Employment Exchange Procedure and issue of advertisement, Stenographic assistance to officers working in Non Sectt Offices. | 23040340 amit[dot]choubey[at]nic[dot]in | Anindya Bhattacharya, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy-I) 23092110 anindya[dot]2019[at]gov[dot]in |
6 | Amit Kumar, US (AVD.IV A) Under Secretary (AVD.IV A) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Considering cases related to interpretation of statutes relating to Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials... Bill, Matters relating to follow up action on Hota Committee recommendations, monitoring of Vigilance matters pending with various Ministries/Departments, other miscellaneous matters viz False claims Act etc | 23093028 amit[dot]kumar84[at]nic[dot]in | Prashant Shukla, Director (AVD-III & AVD-IV.A) 23094319 shukla[dot]164659[at]nic[dot]in |
7 | Amit Kumar, US (AVD - Lokpal) Under Secretary (Lokpal) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
All matters relating to and arising from the provisions of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act, 2013 and Rules framed / orders issued thereunder, amendment proposals and clarifications with respect to provisions of the Lokpal Act/Rules, matters relating to establishment of the Institution of Lokpal. | 23093028 amit[dot]kumar84[at]nic[dot]in | Sushil Kumar Patel, Director (AVD-II, AVD-1C-2, AVD-LP) 23094630 dir-avd2[at]gov[dot]in |
8 | A.M.U. Mahesh, US (AVD-CL) Under Secretary (AVD-CL) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Legislation work relating to Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and officials of Public International Organizations Bill. | 23092468 amu[dot]mahesh[at]nic[dot]in | Yashu Rustagi, Deputy Secretary (AVD-1A, AVD-1B, AVD-1C-1 & AVD-CL) 23094470 yashu[dot]rustagi[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
9 | Anil Bajpai, US (EO-PR) Under Secretary (EO-PR) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Maintenance custody of the APAR/CR of IAS officers and CSS officers of J.S. Grade and collection and transmission of APAR/CR of IAS officers on deputation to Centre to their cadre authorities, Maintenance of immovable property returns of IAS transferred to CS Division, Processing of representations/memorials of these officers against adverse remarks, Endorsement / deletion / attestation of adverse remarks communicated / expunged in the ACRs of the IAS / CSS officers of J.S. Grade, Processing of representation of IAS officers for consideration of Department after consideration of Referal Board under AR Rules 2007. | 23092679 anil[dot]bajpai[at]nic[dot]in | Deo Nath Sah, Director (EO-PR) 23092356 deonath[dot]sah[at]nic[dot]in |
10 | Anshuman Mishra US(AIS.I) Under Secretary (AIS.I) D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All Matters relating to Civil Service Examination Rules, Service Allocation, Cadre Allocation (for IAS), Medical Examination (including framing medical regulations) and Character & Antecedent/Caste Verification of CSE Candidates, Training related issues (Foundational Training for IAS/IPS & other Central Gr.A Services Probationers) at LBSNAA & other Institutes), Maintenance of Dossiers of IAS, forwarding of Dossiers of IPS/other Central Services, IAS/IPS/IFS (Recruitment Rules) 1954, IAS/IPS/IFS appointment by Competitive Examination Rules, 1955 | 011-23092695 anshuman[dot]mishra[at]nic[dot]in | Charulata Somal, Deputy Secretary (AIS-I) 011-23092483 charulata[dot]somal[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
11 | Anurag Saxena, US (General) Under Secretary (Admn.II/Gen.) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters relating to house keeping, supply of machinery & equipments, liveries used in DOPT. Matter relating to Staff Car, personnel matters of Staff Car Drivers & Despatch Riders. Meeting Arrangements. | 23094579 anurag[dot]saxena[at]nic[dot]in | D.S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary (Admin & Coord) 23092755 diradmn[at]nic[dot]in |
12 | Arun Kumar Dahiya, US (R&R & DC) Under Secretary (R&R & DC) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi 110003 |
All matters relating to Recognition of Union/Associations of CSS/CSSS/CSCS. Redeployment of employees rendered surplus from the Ministries of Central Govt.and related matters. | 011-24651898 arundahiya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | S.K. Dahiya, Deputy Secretary (R&R & DC) 23094542 sanjay[dot]dahiya[dot]mcd[at]nic[dot]in |
13 | Arun Kumar Dahiya, US (SR) Under Secretary (SR) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi 110003 |
All matters relating to allocation of service personnel (other than those belonging to the All India Service) of the Madhya Pradesh affected by States Reorganisation to the successor States of Chhattisgarh and other issues connected therewith and Madhya Pradesh State Advisory Committees. All matters relating to allocation of Service personnel (other than those in All India Service) of the Bihar states affected by States Reorganisation to the successor States of Jharkhand and other issues connected therewith and Bihar State Advisory Committees. | 011-24651898 arundahiya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | S.K. Dahiya, Deputy Secretary (SR) 24623711 sanjay[dot]dahiya[dot]mcd[at]nic[dot]in |
14 | Bhupinder Pal Singh, US (AIS-II (PAY)) Under Secretary (AIS-II (PAY)) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Pension Desk - AIS(DCRB) Rules, AIS(commutationofpension) Regulations, Deputation of AIS officers under Rule 6 (2)(ii) of respective cadre rules to pvt bodies, Acceptance of Resignation of IAS /clarification on resignation for other AIS, Acceptance of VRS requests of IAS, Permanent absorption of AIS/IAS in PSUs, Grantof Extension in service to Chief Secretaries, Permission for post retirement commercial emplymt to IAS, Determination of disputed Date of birth of IAS for superannuation. Cadre Desk - All matters relating to IAS/IPS/IFS (Cadre) Rules, IAS/IPS/IFS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulation, AIS Joint Cadre Rules, Rule 16(3) Of AIS (DCRB) Rules regarding Premature Retirement, officiating of non cadre officers on IAS cadre posts, Cadre reviews of IAS/IPS/IFS. Pay Desk - AIS(Pay) Rules, Concurrence of Central Government to availability of vacancies in State Cadres in Selection Grade & above of IAS, Guidelines for promotion to various grades of IAS, AIS (DA,HRA,LTC) Rules. | 23094824 bhupinder[dot]pal[at]nic[dot]in | Charulata Somal, Deputy Secretary (AIS-II) 23092483 charulata[dot]somal[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
15 | Bhupinder, US (AVD-1.D) Under Secretary (AVD-1.D) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Disciplinary proceedings, Vigilance clearance, court cases and prosecution sanction in respect of Group A officers of CSS/CSSS. | 23094508 Bhupinder[dot]malik[at]nic[dot]in | Prashant Shukla, Director (AVD-1.D) 23094319 shukla[dot]164659[at]nic[dot]in |
16 | Charu Vijay, US (Res. II) Under Secretary (Res. II) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
Policy of PwDs/Ex-servicemen/women (Parliament matters, RTI, representation, MP/VIP/PMO references. Clarifications/Court cases-PwDs/Ex-servicemen/women, all matters relating to dereservation, Annual Report/Special Recruitment Drive-SCs/STs/OBCs/PwDs. Transfer policy of government employees having disabled children, collection of data on employment of reserved community candidates in Government. Policy of EWS reservation. | 23093307 charu[dot]vijay[at]nic[dot]in | Sandeep Mukherjee, Director (Res II) 23093913 sandeepm[dot]mnre[at]gov[dot]in |
17 | Deepak Sharma US(FA-UN) Under Secretary(FA-UN) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi 110001 |
Matters pertaining to the appointments/postings/deputation of officers belonging to IAS/Central Group A Services at the level of DS/Director under Central Staffing Scheme. Appointment of officers against non- Secretariat posts below the level of Joint Secretary, appointment of officers of organized Services against the posts located in India Missions abroad, appointment of Chief Security Officers in PSUs upto the level of DIG. Cases relating to IAS/ CSS/ IFS /IPS/ IA and AS and other Group Service Officers for taking up foreign assignment Training/consultancy with various UN and other International Organisations, holding meetings of the Central Establishment Board, filling up the post of Secretary General Colombo Plan and ARR, UNDP, New Delhi and other such posts, Grant of NOC to Secretary level officers who have applied against open advertisements. | 011-23093846 s[dot]deepak[at]nic[dot]in | Annies Kanmani Joy, Deputy Secretary (MM) 23092842 dir[dot]mm[at]nic[dot]in |
18 | Deshraj Yadav, US (Trg) Under Secretary (Trg) D/o.Personnel & Training, Old JNU Campus ISTM campus, New Delhi 110067 |
Academy (including LBSNAA including Foundation Training for CSE Induction Training) Mid Career Trg Programme (MCTP) Mid Career Interaction between officers of Armed Forces and IAS officers Conference of Heads of ATIs / CTIs and retreat of IAS Officers conducted by LBSNAA Short Term Domestic Programme Long Term Domestic Programme Special Programme for NER JCM & Joint AIS Programme Leadership Programme(IIMB) Implementation & coordination with CCA/CTI & State Government for iGOT on boarding. IIPA, Advance Prof Prog in Pub Admn. (APPPA), IAS In-service Trg. Program, Other Domestic trainings, Misc. Training References (Work relating to Training Allowance and Honorarium for guest faculty) | 26194167 deshraj[dot]yadav[at]nic[dot]in | Director (Trg.) 26107960 an[dot]narayanan[at]nic[dot]in |
19 | Dilip Kumar Jha, US (IR.1) Under Secretary (IR.1) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Implementation of Plan Schemes on RTI, Development of programmes to advance the under standing of the public about the RTI Act, Administrative matters relating to the Central Information Commission, Coordination of issues relating to the RTI Act with the State Governments, Other issues relating to Right to Information, RTI online portal. | 23040401 usir-dopt[at]nic[dot]in | Deo Nath Sah, Director (IR) 23092356 deonath[dot]sah[at]nic[dot]in |
20 | Gandharv Kumar Sandilya, US (JCA 1) Under Secretary (JCA 1) D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Recognition of Associations/Unions, All matters related to JCM and National Council, Interpretation of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, Formation/setting up// queries regarding Anomaly Committee set up on issues arising out of 6th & 7th CPC, Agenda, Comments, Minutes of National Council (JCM) / Standing Committee / National Anomaly Committee Meetings, Policy issues concerning ILO, | 011-23094678 gksandilya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Parveen Jargar, Deputy Secretary (Pers. Policy-PESB & JCA) 23093180 parveen[dot]jargar[at]nic[dot]in |
21 | Gandharv Kumar Sandilya, US (JCA 2) Under Secretary (JCA 2) D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Working hours/ Working days for the Central Government Offices, Declaration of list of Holidays for Central Government employees/Offices, Orders regarding early closure of Offices surrounding India Gate, Orders regarding closure of Central Govt. Offices in connection with various Elections., Matters relating to admissibility of Uniforms, Instructions relating to procurement of Uniforms/Shoes, Instructions relating to wearing /non wearing of uniforms, approval for special uniforms, Orders relating to Washing Allowance/Stitching Allowance, Annual Grants in aid to JCM, Special CL and facilities to office bearers of associations. | 011-23094678 gksandilya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Parveen Jargar, Deputy Secretary (Pers. Policy-PESB & JCA) 23093180 parveen[dot]jargar[at]nic[dot]in |
22 | Gandharv Kumar Sandilya, US(Lateral Entry) Under Secretary (Lateral Entry Desk) D/o Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi 110001 |
i. All matters related with Lateral Recruitment. ii. All policy matters concerning Search-cum-Selection Committees(ScSC). iii. Processing of all proposals for constitution of Search-cum-Selection Committees (ScSC) and processing notices where Secretary (Personnel) or Additional Secretary (Estt.) have to attend ScSC as Member iv. Proposals on RRFAMS portal, as may be referred to him from time to time. | 011-23094678 gksandilya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Shamik Bhowmik, Deputy Secretary (E.1 - LED) 23092110 shamik[dot]bhowmick[at]nic[dot]in |
23 | Gautam Kumar, US (Mission Recruitment Cell) Under Secretary (Mission Recruitment Cell) D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters related to mission recruitment. | 23040306 gautam[dot]k82[at]nic[dot]in | D.S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary (Admin & Coord) 23092755 diradmn[at]nic[dot]in |
24 | Hemant Sharma, US (IR.2) Under Secretary (IR.2) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
Policy matters relating to the implementation of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Examination of matters related to amendments to the RTI Act, Framing and Notification of Rules under the RTI Act and matters related thereto, Issue of guidelines and orders to remove difficulties arising in giving effect to the provisions of the RTI Act, All matters relating to appointment of Information Commissioners in CIC. | 23092759 hemant[dot]s[at]nic[dot]in | Deo Nath Sah, Director (IR) 23092356 deonath[dot]sah[at]nic[dot]in |
25 | Jasmine, US (Pers. Policy-A-I,B-I) Under Secretary (Pers. Policy-A-I/B-I) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Administrative & budgetary matters of SSC, administrative matters of UPSC/State PSC matters,exclusion of posts from the purview of UPSC UPSC (exemption from consultation) Regulations,cases of disagreement with the advice of UPSC in case of disciplinary cases,Presidential references under Article 317 of the Constitution for inquiry by the Supreme Court in respect of Chairman/Members of State PUCs, Proposal for grant of Ex-Officio Status, Petition instructions, Honorary appointments. All Administrative matters related with National Recruitment Agency (NRA). | 23040612 jasmine[dot]bhardwaj[at]nic[dot]in | Sushant Ranjan, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy-II) 011-23093074 ranjans[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in |
26 | Jata Shankar Kanth, US(L&A) Under Secretary (L&A) D/o.Personnel & Training Old JNU Campus, ISTM campus, New Delhi 110067 |
Overtime allowance, short term consultancy undertaken by the Govt servants in International Organisations, which are governed under SR-12, Honorarium, Joining Time Rules/Joining Time Pay, Compulsory waiting, risk allowance, Special Allowance, weight age for Night Duty/Night Duty Allowance, Children Education Allowance for central Govt employees, Special Allowance for Child Care to Women with Disabilities, creation & maintenance of e-service book and other service records of the Govt of India employees, All kinds of leave including Casual Leave & Spl. Casual Leave, leave matters relating to Industrial employees, constitutional statutory appointments, contract appointees, members of committees & commissions, service record & service books, extension of special concessions posted in Kashmir Valley | 26164316 js[dot]kanth[at]nic[dot]in | Ram Dutt, Deputy Secretary (L&A) 011-24623711 ram[dot]dutt[dot]mcd[at]nic[dot]in |
27 | Kavita Chauhan, US (AIS.III) Under Secretary (Services - AIS.3) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
AIS.III - Publication of IAS Civil List/AIS Manual, AIS(Probation) Rules, Confirmation of IAS, Inter se seniority of DR IAS, Appeals/Memorials in respect of service conditions of IAS except CR/PAR(Rules), All matters relating to Rules - AIS(Conduct), AIS(D&A), AIS(Leave), AIS Study), AIS(PF), AIS(Med. Attend.), AIS(Sp. Disab) Rules, Policy Matters/amendment interpretation of AIS(PAR) Rules 2007. | 23094714 kavitachauhan[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Charulata Somal, Deputy Secretary (AIS-III) 23092483 charulata[dot]somal[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
28 | Kumar Rajiv Ranjan, US (CS-II.B) Under Secretary (CS-II.B) D/o.Personnel & Training, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 |
All matters pertaining to CSCS cadre (comprising JSA, SSA and ASO (Ad-hoc)) and appointment in the Personal Staff of Ministers. | 24654020 rajiv[dot]ranjan78[at]nic[dot]in | Priya Mahadevan, Deputy Secretary (CS.2) 24622365 m[dot]priya[at]nic[dot]in |
29 | Kundan Nath, US (EO-SM.II-KN) Under Secretary (EO-SM.II-KN) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi |
Appointment to the posts of JS level and above in Statutory Commissions / Tribunals, Financial Institutions (excluding Banks and Insurance Companies), Autonomous Institutes under the control of GoI, Direct Recruitment, promotion, t/f on deputation etc and empanelment in r/o posts/services outside Central Staffing Scheme with pay grade 6700/-& above except M/o Railways/Posts involving IPS. Ministries/ Departments covered- Revenue, Economic Affairs, Financial Services, DIPAM, Expenditure, Corporate Affairs, DPE, Railways, Commerce, Legal Affairs, Legislative Department, Justice, Higher Education, School Ed. & Literacy, Social Justice & Emp., Emp. of PwD, Official Language/ MHA/ JK&L/ Border management/ Internal Security/ Cooperation, Culture, Env., Forest & CC, Drinking Water & Sanitation, Women & CD. | 011-10000000 knath[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Pallavi Singh Prakash, Director (ACC) 23092272 pallavisingh[dot]prakash[at]gov[dot]in |
30 | Lalit Kumar, US (Pers.Policy-A.IV) Under Secretary (Pers.Policy-A.IV) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters relating to age of retirement, voluntary premature retirement, provisions of liberalised pension rules, medical examination rules (in-service), alteration of date of birth of Govt servant, LTC, transfer policy, policy of extension in service and re-employment to Govt servants other than All India Service. | 23040341 kumar[dot]lalit[at]nic[dot]in | G.K. Rajnish, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy) 011-23094471 gk[dot]rajnish[at]nic[dot]in |
31 | Link Officer for US (Pers.Policy-C) Under Secretary (Pers.Policy-C) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
All matters relating to domicile or residential qualifications for employment under Government, Probation of Government servants, CCS(TS)Rules, 1965, forwarding of applications for higher posts, Technical Resignation, Confirmation/Lien in civil posts, Regularization of service of casual workers, Status of women, Bond obligation, guidelines for immediate absorption in PSU. | 23040264 ak[dot]gopal[at]nic[dot]in | G.K. Rajnish, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy) 011-23094471 gk[dot]rajnish[at]nic[dot]in |
32 | L. Raghavendran, US (CS-I A) Under Secretary (CS-I A) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi - 110003 |
Cadre management of DR ASO (Assistants) Grade of CSS including ADR-FTP and allocation to Ministries. | 24642705 lraghavendran[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Vadali Rambabu, Director (CS.1) 24629411 ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in |
33 | L. Raghvendran, US (CS-1 P) Under Secretary (CS-1 P) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi - 110003 |
CS-1(P) Section - LDCE SO/Steno Exam Rules, Rotational Transfer Policy and other policy matters of Central Secretariat Service (CSS), CSS Rules and Regulations (framing, Amendment etc), Cadre review of CSS, Creation/separation of cadre units, Encadrement/decadrement of posts into CSS/CSSS/CSCS, Rendering advise to Ministries on interpretation of DoPT orders on policy matters of CSS, coordination work in CS-1 Division. | 24642705 lraghavendran[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Vadali Rambabu, Director (CS.1) 24629411 ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in |
34 | Manoj Kumar Gupta, US (AVD.IC-I) Under Secretary (AVD.I/C-I) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Disciplinary cases of IAS officers on central deputation. Instructions regarding grant of honorarium to inquiry officers. | 01123092298 manoj[dot]gupta74[at]nic[dot]in | Yashu Rustagi, Deputy Secretary (AVD-1A, AVD-1B, AVD-1C-1 & AVD-CL) 23094470 yashu[dot]rustagi[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
35 | M Kiran Kumar, US CS.I(D) Under Secretary, CS.I(D) DoP&T, Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi |
Cadre management of Deputy Secretary, Director and JS (In-situ) Grades of Central Secretariat Service (CSS), Review of Officers under Rule 56 (J) related to DS, Director and JS (In-situ) Grades | 24629413 mkiran[dot]kumar[at]nic[dot]in | Vadali Rambabu, Director (CS.1) 24629411 ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in |
36 | Mohammad Jainuddin, US (PESB-V.I) Under Secretary (PESB) 502, Block No. 14, PE Bhawan, PESB, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 |
All matters pertaining to the functioning of the office of PESB. Ministries/Departments alloted: Civil Aviation, Commerce, DoNER, MoEFCC, Food & PD, M/o I&B, P&NG, Shipping, Social Justice & Emp., Agriculture, Ayush, Coal, Economic Affairs, Human Resources Development, Mines, MNRE, Railway, Water Resources River Develpoment & Ganga Rejuvenation. | 24361632 mohammad[dot]jainuddin[at]nic[dot]in | Deepak Sajwan, Deputy Secretary (PESB) 24362936 deepak[dot]sajwan[at]gov[dot]in |
37 | Nabhlakshmi Jain Gangh, US (eHRMS) Under Secretary (eHRMS) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003. |
All cases pertaining to e-HRMS v2.0 Project. | 23092645 nabhlakshmi[dot]jain[at]gov[dot]in | Navpreet Kaur, Director (e-HRMS) 23094470 navpreetkaur[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
38 | Nabhlakshmi Jain Gangh, US (IC) Under Secretary (IC) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
Matters related with UNCAC. International co-operation matters related to Administrative Vigilance. | 23092645 nabhlakshmi[dot]jain[at]gov[dot]in | Prashant Shukla, Director (IC) 23094319 shukla[dot]164659[at]nic[dot]in |
39 | Naveen Kumar, US(Welfare) Under Secretary (Welfare) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi 110003 |
Welfare Div - All policy matters, administrative and financial matters relating to Grih Kalyan Kendra and Kendriya Bhandar, Central Secretariat Officers Institute (CSOI), CSS Club, Sanskriti School, Budget matters of Welfare Division. | 24623157 naveen[dot]kr80[at]gov[dot]in | Prashant Shukla, Director & CWO 23094319 shukla[dot]164659[at]nic[dot]in |
40 | Oruganti Phani, US (Trg.) Under Secretary (Trg.) D/o.Personnel & Training Old JNU Campus, ISTM campus, New Delhi 110067 |
Support to State ATIs under Trg For All Scheme (TFA) for following components (i) State Cat Dev Prog (SCTP), (ii) Trnr Dev Progrm (TDP) (iii) Fac. Dev Scheme (FDS) (iv) Intensive Trg. Prog. (ITP) and Capacty Bldg. For Pov Reduction (CBPR), (v) Induction Trg Programme, (vi) National Documentation Centre, (vii) Augmentation of capacity of ATIs, (viii) COMMIT (ix) Training Resource Mapping UNDP Project, LRC, National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG), Library, coordination/Gen Admn (Estates Renov. ), Scheme of Visit of Secretaries to first place of posting, National Training Policy, Provide Assistance to Nodal Officer LBSNAA for common foundation and coordination with professional resources, Technology for iGOT. | 26161871 o[dot]phani[at]gov[dot]in | Deputy Secretary (Trg) 26161159 ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in |
41 | Pijush Mohanta, US(AVD1C-2) Under Secretary (AVD1C-2) D/o Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters pertaining to the disciplinary cases of AIS officers and policy relating thereto, Proposals of CBI / State Govt. for prosecution of IAS officers under Prevention of Corruption Act, Processing of cases consequent upon conviction by the Court of Law etc, Examination / Processing of Appeals / Memorials of IAS officers against penalties | 23040381 pijush[dot]mohanta[at]nic[dot]in | Sushil Kumar Patel, Director (AVD-II, AVD-1C-2, AVD-LP) 23094630 dir-avd2[at]gov[dot]in |
42 | Praveen Pal Singh, US (EO-CM) Under Secretary (EO-CM) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi |
Maintain lists of Secretaries/ Chief Secretaries and other work of Career Management Division. | 011-23094224 pp[dot]singh69[at]nic[dot]in | Sakshi Mittal, Director (EO-SM) 23092187 dirsm[at]nic[dot]in |
43 | Praveen Pal Singh, US (EO-CVO) Under Secretary (EO-CVO) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
Appointment of CVOs in Central PSUs etc and matter related thereto. | 23094224 pp[dot]singh69[at]nic[dot]in | Annies Kanmani Joy, Deputy Secretary (MM) 23092842 dir[dot]mm[at]nic[dot]in |
44 | Preeti Wadhwa, US (CS-II.A & C) Under Secretary (CS-II. A & C ) D/o.Personnel & Training, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi - 110003 |
All matters relating to PS and above Grades in CSSS. All matters relating to PA and Steno Grade D in CSSS and Policy Matters relating to CSSS. | 24654020 preeti[dot]wadhwa[at]gov[dot]in | Priya Mahadevan, Deputy Secretary (CS.2) 24622365 m[dot]priya[at]nic[dot]in |
45 | Rahul Handa, Under Secretary (OL) Under Secretary (OL) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All Matters pertaining to promotion of Official Language within DOPT. | 23092982 rahul[dot]handa86[at]gov[dot]in | Jagmohan Singh Negi, Joint Director (OL) 23094303 jagmohan[dot]negi[at]nic[dot]in |
46 | Rahul Handa, US(Ad.I, IV & Vig.) Under Secretary (Admn.I/ Admn.IV & Vig./APAR) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All personnel and Estt. matters related to Gazetted employees of DOPT. All personnel and Estt. matters related to non-gazetted employees of DOPT, Cadre Management of CSS personnel posted under DOPT Cadre and vigilance matters of DOPT. | 23092982 rahul[dot]handa86[at]gov[dot]in | D.S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary (Admin & Coord) 23092755 diradmn[at]nic[dot]in |
47 | Rajeev Kumar Choudhary, US (Trg.)(iGOT), Under Secretary (Trg.)(iGOT) D/o.Personnel & Training Old JNU Campus, ISTM campus, New Delhi 110067 |
Domestic funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme, All Short Term Training Programmes in Foreign Training Division, All matters pertaining to international relations, International Cooperation/collaboration in Training etc, Bilateral Programmes funded by JICA. Financial Resources Tapping including follow up with 15th Finance Commission and other aspects of Training Reforms, iGOT - Content ecology coord, | 26165682 rk[dot]choudhary2018[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in | Vijay S., Deputy Secretary (Trg.) 011-26268197 vijays[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in |
48 | Rajeev Kumar Khare, US (AVD.II B) Under Secretary (AVD.II B) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All Vigilance/ Disciplinary matters pertaining to Group A officials in CBI. | 23040376 rajeevkumarkhare[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Sushil Kumar Patel, Director (AVD-II, AVD-1C-2, AVD-LP) 23094630 dir-avd2[at]gov[dot]in |
49 | Rajeev Nayan, US (CS.I.S) Under Secretary (CS.1.S) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi 110003 |
CS-1 (S) Section - Cadre management of Section Officer Grade of Central Secretariat Service (CSS), Review of Officers under Rule 56 (J) related to SO Grade. CS-1 (APAR) Section - Maintenance & upkeep of APAR of CSS Officers of Grade 1 (Under Secretary) and above. CS-1 (Trg) Section - Nomination of Officials (Except DR Assistants) for mandatory Training Programes conducted by ISTM. | 24624046 rajeev[dot]nayan[at]nic[dot]in | Vadali Rambabu, Director (CS.1) 24629411 ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in |
50 | Rajesh Kumar, US (RR.1) Under Secretary (RR.1) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
i Matters relating to recruitment rules, either received physically on Files or electronically on the RRFAMS Portal/e-office and Service Rules in respect of Ministries with Alphabets F to O nomenclature except MHA, Cab. Sec., and specialised organisations such as NIA, NTRO etc. ii All policy matters concerning Non-Functional Upgradation to OGAS and cases concerning NFU relating to the above Ministries, including Court cases. iii All policy matters concerning Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists iv Processing Cabinet Notes referred by the above Ministries on above subjects v Any other work, as may be assigned by superiors | 23094254 kumar[dot]rajesh1970[at]gov[dot]in | J. Sriram Murty, Deputy Secretary (RR) 011-00000000 sm[dot]jayanti[at]gov[dot]in |
51 | Rajesh Sharma, US (Pers. Policy-A-II,B-II) Under Secretary (Pers. Policy-A-II/B-II) D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters pertaining to verification of character and antecedents: Strike by the Government Servants: Subversive activities of Government Servants, Debar of candidates by UPSC/SSC: Minorities in Government Service: issue of certificate of eligibility for Union Service & posts to subject of Nepal, Tibet migrants from Pakistan etc: All matters relating to Resignation, Commercial employment after retirement: Employment under Government outside India: instructions on preparation and maintenance of Confidential Reports for Central Civil Services,employment of non-Indians policy, suitability of candidates for appointment to and continuace in Govt service of Govt servants taking part in politics, RSS, Anand Marg, Jamat-E-Islami etc, Annual Medical Examination of Group A officers of Central Civil Services/posts. | 23040468 r[dot]sharma74[at]gov[dot]in | Sushant Ranjan, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy-II) 011-23093074 ranjans[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in |
52 | Rajesh Sharma, US (Pers. Policy- PESB) Under Secretary (Pers. Policy- PESB) DOP&T, North Block, New Delhi- 110001 |
All policy matters relating to PESB. | 23040468 r[dot]sharma74[at]gov[dot]in | Parveen Jargar, Deputy Secretary (Pers. Policy-PESB & JCA) 23093180 parveen[dot]jargar[at]nic[dot]in |
53 | Rajiv Kumar, Under Secretary (SR) Under Secretary (SR) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi |
All matters relating to allocation of Service personnel (other than those belonging to the All India Service) of the Uttar Pradesh affected by States Reorganisation to the successor States of Uttarkhand and other issues connected therewith and Uttar Pradesh State Advisory Committees, Andhra Pradesh affected by States Reorganisation to the successor States of Telangana and other issues connected therewith . | 24624235 rajiv[dot]kumar66[at]nic[dot]in | S.K. Dahiya, Deputy Secretary (SR) 24623711 sanjay[dot]dahiya[dot]mcd[at]nic[dot]in |
54 | Rakesh Kumar Sinha, US (PP-D.II MACP) Under Secretary (PP-D.II MACP) Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi |
Matters related to ACP/MACP Scheme | 23093804 rk[dot]sinha70[at]gov[dot]in | Murali Bhavaraju, Director (Pay) 23094542 b[dot]murali[at]nic[dot]in |
55 | Rakesh Kumar Sinha, US (PP-D.II Seniority) Under Secretary (Pers.Policy-D.II Seniority) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Age relaxation and Upper Age Limit for recruitment, Compassionate appointments, Appointment of meritorious sport persons, Seniority of Central Services except Railway and services under control of Department of Atomic Energy, exemption from typing test in r/o LDCs not belonging to CSCS cadre, Procedure for referring files to DOP&T. | 23093804 rk[dot]sinha70[at]gov[dot]in | Anindya Bhattacharya, Deputy Secretary (Pers.Policy-I) 23092110 anindya[dot]2019[at]gov[dot]in |
56 | Ram Bhagat Kushwaha, US (Trg) Under Secretary (Trg) D/o.Personnel & Training, Old JNU Campus ISTM campus, New Delhi 110067 |
ISTM matters including all financial Establishment and Policy matters, Cadre Training Plan of CSS/CSSS/CSCS, ADB and Resource Building, Budgetary Matters of Training Division, Assistant Secretary (IAS) Training programme in Ministries, | 26161355 rb[dot]kushwaha[at]nic[dot]in | Syed Imran Ahmed, Director (Trg) 011-26107967 syedimran[dot]ahmed[at]nic[dot]in |
57 | Ramesh Chandra Jha, US (EO-SM.II-RC) Under Secretary (EO-SM.II-RC) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Appointment to the posts of JS level and above in Statutory Commissions / Tribunals, Financial Institutions (excluding Banks and Insurance Companies), Autonomous Institutes under the control of GoI, Direct Recruitment, promotion, t/f on deputation etc and empanelment in r/o posts/services outside Central Staffing Scheme with pay grade 6700/-& above except M/o Railways/Posts involving IPS. Ministries/ Departments covered- Power, PNG, Mines, Coal, Food & PD, FPI, Consumer Affairs, NITI Aayog, Parliamentary Affairs, Civil Aviation, Minority Affairs, Youth Affairs, Sports, MoSPI, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals & Petro-chemicals, Fertilizers, Steel, MoHUA, Textiles, DPIIT, Road Tr. & Highways, Ports Shipping & Waterways, Telecom, Posts, I&B, DoPT/DARPG/DoPPW, Heavy Industry, MSME, Tourism, Agriculture & FW, Agricultural Research & Education, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Fisheries, Rural Development/ Land Resources, Panchayati Raj, Labour & Employment, Skill Dev. & Ent., Tribal Affairs. | 23092465 rameshc[dot]jha[at]nic[dot]in | Pallavi Singh Prakash, Director (ACC) 23092272 pallavisingh[dot]prakash[at]gov[dot]in |
58 | Randhir Kumar, US (CRD) Under Secretary (CRD) D/o.Personnel & Training, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi 110003 |
Policy and Guidelines of cadre review of regularly constituted Central Civil Service / Cadres, Monitoring of periodical review of regularly constituted Group A Central Civil Services, Secretariat functions of the cadre review committee in respect of Group A Central Civil Services, Policy and general orders regarding Non-Functional Selection Grade in organized Group A Central Civil Services, Compilation statistical information about grade wise cadre strength and structural ratio of Group A Central Civil Service | 24653972 randhir[dot]kumar14[at]nic[dot]in | Harmit Singh Pahuja, Director (CRD) 24624893 harmit[dot]pahuja[at]gov[dot]in |
59 | Rishi Pal, US (AT) Under Secretary (AT) D/o.Personnel & Training, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 |
All administrative and financial matters relating to Central Administrative Tribunal, Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985 including interpretation of the Act, framing of rules/clarification, Appointment of Chairman and Member and other Group A posts in CAT, Setting up of additional Benches of CAT, Setting up of States Administrative Tribunals, Joint Administrative Tribunals and appointment of Chairman and Members. | 011-24640643 usat1[at]nic[dot]in | Naresh Kumar, Deputy Secretary (AT) 011-24654020 naresh[dot]kumar70[at]nic[dot]in |
60 | Rupesh Kumar, US (AVD 1A) Under Secretary (AVD- 1 A) Department of Personnel & Training North Block 110001 |
All Complaints, All Vigilance Clearance of IAS officers, Disciplinary cases of IAS officers on central deputation and coordination matters within AVD-I | 011-23094799 rupesh[dot]dgsnd[at]gov[dot]in | Yashu Rustagi, Deputy Secretary (AVD-1A, AVD-1B, AVD-1C-1 & AVD-CL) 23094470 yashu[dot]rustagi[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
61 | Sanjay Kumar Chaurasia, US (S-II & S-III) Under Secretary (S-II & S-III) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi |
(i) Promotion of State Civil Services/ non- State Civil Services Officers to IAS, Administration of Statutory Regulations of IAS, IPS and IFS relating to Appointment by Promotion/Selection. (ii) Fixation of year of allotment and Seniority of IAS officers promoted /appointed from State Civil Services/ non- State Civil Services, Administration of Statutory Regulations of IAS, IPS and IFS relating to regulation of Seniority. All matters relating to inter-cadre transfer/Deputation, Extension of inter cadre deputation and overstayal of IAS Officers, Policy matters on the subject pertaining to AIS Officers, Matters relating to creation of new All India Services. | 23093063 sanjay[dot]chaurasia[at]nic[dot]in | Charulata Somal, Deputy Secretary (AIS-I) 011-23092483 charulata[dot]somal[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
62 | Santanu Dhar, US (RR) Under Secretary (RR) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
i Matters relating to recruitment rules, either received physically on Files or electronically on the RRFAMS Portal/e-office and Service Rules in respect of Ministries with Alphabets A to E and P to Z nomenclature and Ministry of Home Affairs, Cabinet Secretariat and Specialised Organisation such as NIA, NTRO etc. ii Policy matters relating to Recruitment Rules/Service Rules iii. Cases regarding grant of Non-Functional Upgrading to OGAS referred by above Ministries, including Court cases. iv. Processing Cabinet Notes referred by the above Ministries on above subjects v Routine matters including Monthly Reports, VIP References, Public Grievances etc. vi Any other work, as may be assigned by superiors. | 23092564 santanu[dot]dhar[at]nic[dot]in | J. Sriram Murty, Deputy Secretary (RR) 011-00000000 sm[dot]jayanti[at]gov[dot]in |
63 | Santosh Kumar US(AVD.III) Under Secretary (AVD.III) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
All matters relating to allegations/complaints/inquiries/sanction for prosecution against Chief Ministers and Ministers of State Governments, setting up commissions of inquiry relating to corruption charges, Complaints of corruption relating to Central/States/UT Administration/Commercial firms and employees of Public Sector Undertakings. Anti-corruption measures Policy, All administrative matters concerning the CVC, Legislation relating to CVC, Disagreement in the matter of disciplinary proceeding between the Disciplinary Authority/UPSC and the CVC. | 23094541 santoshkumar73[at]nic[dot]in | Prashant Shukla, Director (AVD-III & AVD-IV.A) 23094319 shukla[dot]164659[at]nic[dot]in |
64 | Satyam Srivastava, US (AVD.IIA) Under Secretary, (AVD.IIA) D/o Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi - 110001 |
All administrative and financial matters relating to CBI. All Vigilance/disciplinary matters pertaining to Group B & C officials in CBI. | 23092285 satyam[dot]srivastava[at]nic[dot]in | Sushil Kumar Patel, Director (AVD-II, AVD-1C-2, AVD-LP) 23094630 dir-avd2[at]gov[dot]in |
65 | Satyendra Singh, US (Canteen, RWA & CCSCSB) Under Secretary (Canteen, RWA & CCSCSB) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi - 110003 |
Canteen Div - All policy matters relating to setting up of Departmental Canteens in Ministries/Departments: framing of guidelines: service matters relating to the employees of Canteens. ASll policy matters, administrative, financial matters relating to Central Government Resident Welfare Associations, Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee and Benevolent Fund CCSCSB - Matters relating to All India Civil Services Tournaments: Financial assistance to State Govts/UTs: Inter-Ministry Tournaments in Delhi: Procurement of sports equipments and prizes. | 23092468 singh[dot]satyendra80[at]gov[dot]in | Prashant Shukla, Director & CWO 23094319 shukla[dot]164659[at]nic[dot]in |
66 | Shampa Ghosh, US (Trg.), Under Secretary (Trg.), D/o.Personnel & Training, Old JNU Campus ISTM campus, New Delhi 110067 |
Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB) Scheme Integrated Government Online Training programme (iGOT) - Competency FRAC for iGOT project IGOT - Multilateral funding and procurement, Assistance to AS (Trg) reg Development of Capacity Building Reforms project including iGOT project, Capacity Building Commission, & Assistance to JS (Trg) reg implementation of the same. | 26107957 shampa[dot]ghosh[at]gov[dot]in | Vijay S., Deputy Secretary (Trg.) 011-26268197 vijays[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in |
67 | Subir Kumar, US (EO-SM.II-SK) Under Secretary (EO-SM.II-SK) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Appointment to the posts of JS level and above in Statutory Commissions / Tribunals, Financial Institutions (excluding Banks and Insurance Companies), Autonomous Institutes under the control of GoI, Direct Recruitment, promotion, t/f on deputation etc and empanelment in r/o posts/services outside Central Staffing Scheme with pay grade 6700/-& above except M/o Railways/Posts involving IPS. Ministries/ Departments covered- MeiTY, S&T, Sci. & Ind. Research, Bio-tech., DAE, Water Resources, DONER, Earth Sciences, MNRE, Space, Cab. Sec./NSCS/NTRO O/o PSA, Pres. Sec., PMO, MEA, Ayush, H&FW, Health Research, Defence, Military Affairs, Defence Production, Defence Research & Development, Ex-Servicemen Welfare. | 23092712 subir[dot]kumar93[at]gov[dot]in | Pallavi Singh Prakash, Director (ACC) 23092272 pallavisingh[dot]prakash[at]gov[dot]in |
68 | Subodh Verma, US (AVD 1B) Under Secretary (AVD 1B) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters relating to disciplinary cases against IAS in State Govt, ADB project on Revision of Conduct Rules, Privilege Notice/ replies relating to IAS officers, CVC reference / reports and monitoring. | 23092298 subodhverma[at]prasarbharti[dot]gov[dot]in | Yashu Rustagi, Deputy Secretary (AVD-1A, AVD-1B, AVD-1C-1 & AVD-CL) 23094470 yashu[dot]rustagi[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in |
69 | Sujit Kumar Mishra, US(Ad.III & Coordination) Under Secretary (Ad.III & Coordination) D/o Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi |
Work allocated to AD-III section of Estt matters of Group C (Technical) and Group D employees/canteen employees/ canteen related matters, Matters of Official Council, medical reimbursement, Allotment of accommodation for employees of DOPT. All parliamentary matters. Annual Report. Union War Book, channel of submission, Coordination among various divisions, Preparation of Induction material, ARC recommendations, Protocol, MP/VIP references, Recreation club of DoPT, Monthly D.O. to Cabinet Secretary, Monthly Summary to the Council of Ministers, Compilation and transmission of comments on Parliament Questions/ Assurances of other Ministries/ draft Cabinet Notes of other Ministries, Compilation of action taken report on points concerning DOPT on Administrative Reforms Commission reports. Delhi Official Directory, Record Retention Schedule, RFD/citizen charter, Annual Action Plan of the Department, Sectoral Group of Secretaries on Governance, IT Section Web-site of DoPT, new initiatives ESa | 011-23093266 sujit[dot]mishra[at]nic[dot]in | D.S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary (Admin & Coord) 23092755 diradmn[at]nic[dot]in |
70 | Sujit Kumar Mishra, US(CR) Under Secretary (CR) D/o Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi |
Central Registry (CR) & Receipt & Issue (R&I) and Record Section of DoPT. | 011-23093266 sujit[dot]mishra[at]nic[dot]in | D.S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary (Admin & Coord) 23092755 diradmn[at]nic[dot]in |
71 | Sunil Kumar, US (CS-1 U) Under Secretary (CS-1/U) D/o.Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi - 110003 |
CS-1 (U) Section - Cadre management of Grade-I(Under Secretary) of Central Secretariat Service (CSS), Review of Officers under Rule 56 (J) related to US Grade. CS-1 (PR/CMS Section) - Web-based cadre management of CSS officers, Collection/custody of Property Returns of CSS officers of Grade-I (US) and above. | 24629412 sunil[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in | Vadali Rambabu, Director (CS.1) 24629411 ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in |
72 | Swati, US (Budget and Cash) Under Secretary (Budget and Cash) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All matters relating to Budget and Cash Sections of DoPT, Demands for Grants on the DDG/Audit Paras/Work relating to Parliamentary Standing Committee of DoPT, Preparation of BE/RE, Re-appropriation of funds among different attached/subordinate offices of DoPT(Plan/Non-Plan), Payment of GPF Advance/Withdrawals of DoPT Staff, Settlement of Audit objections of DoPT, CAG/Statutory/Internal Audit Paras of DoPT, Allocation of funds under loans and Advance for DoPT Staff, Preparation of Pay Bills of all categories of DoPT employees (A/B/C/D), Income tax calculation of all of DoPT employees in the tax bracket, Reconciliation settlement of Accounts with PAO of DoPT, Payment of contingencies, Processing of approval of incurring expenditure under Professional Services Head of DoPT. | 23094051 swati[dot]moib[at]nic[dot]in | Varinder Kaur Bhalla, DS (B&A, PG, RTI, Parliament) 23092755 vk[dot]bhalla[at]nic[dot]in |
73 | Swati, US (CPGRAMS) Under Secretary (CPGRAMS) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
Public grievances Cell of DoPT. | 23092982 swati[dot]moib[at]nic[dot]in | Varinder Kaur Bhalla, DS (B&A, PG, RTI, Parliament) 23092755 vk[dot]bhalla[at]nic[dot]in |
74 | Vijay Kumar Darak, Dy. Director (ACC) Dy. Director (ACC) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi - 110001 |
All Board level appointments in PSUs, Banks, Insurance & Financial Institutions, Dy Governors of RBI Board, Empanelment of group A Services in Railways for promotion in HAG (67000-89000), seeking ACC approval for M/o Railways proposal for empanelment/appointment of GM and equivalent, Additional Members in Railway Board, Appointment of Secretary, Members and Chairman, Railway Board, Appointment of Central Election Observers. | 23093671 vijay[dot]darak[at]gov[dot]in | Pallavi Singh Prakash, Director (ACC) 23092272 pallavisingh[dot]prakash[at]gov[dot]in |
75 | Vijay Kumar, US (PESB-V.II) Under Secretary (PESB) 502, Block No. 14, PE Bhawan, PESB CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 |
All matters pertaining to the functioning of the office of PESB. Ministries/Departments alloted: Heavy Industries, Defence, Production, Pharmaceuticals, Telecom, Biotechnology, Fertilizers, Textiles, Scientific & Industrial Research, Power, Atomic Energy, Steel, Chemicals & Petrochemicals. Housing & Urban Affairs, Health & Family Welfare, Tourism, MSME | 24363817 vijay[dot]kumar81[at]gov[dot]in | Deepak Sajwan, Deputy Secretary (PESB) 24362936 deepak[dot]sajwan[at]gov[dot]in |
76 | Vikas, US (Pers.Policy-Pay) Under Secretary (Pers.Policy-Pay) D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
All matters related to fixation of pay/ Stepping up of pay/ Stagnation Increments/ Increments/ FRs on pay matters. Deputation matters other than Central Staffing Scheme/ Pay fixation on re-employment after retirement/superannuation combination of appointments/ Pay revision on the basis of recommendation of pay commissions/Proforma Promotion under NBR. Matters relating to pay and allowances on reinstatement after suspension, removal and dismissal | 23040489 vikas[dot]kumar1981[at]gov[dot]in | Murali Bhavaraju, Director (Pay) 23094542 b[dot]murali[at]nic[dot]in |
77 | ZNodal RTI Cell - (Sh Anurag Saxena, US (RTI)) Under Secretary D/o.Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi -110001 |
RTI Cell of DoPT. | 011-23094579 anurag[dot]saxena[at]nic[dot]in | Varinder Kaur Bhalla, DS (B&A, PG, RTI, Parliament) 23092755 vk[dot]bhalla[at]nic[dot]in |